Terms of payment:

  • Amount of fee for participation in the conference:
    • Basic participation, with a hotel room – 2 nights (2 days of conference proceedings, presentation of a paper, publication of an article, coffee breaks, meals, 2 nights on October 25-27, 2023) – PLN 1,000 (EUR 220);
    • Basic participation with a hotel room – 1 night (2 days of conference proceedings, presentation of a paper, publication of an article, coffee breaks, meals, 1 night on October 26-27, 2023) – PLN 800 (EUR 180);
    • Basic participation, without accommodation (2 days of conference proceedings, presentation of a paper, publication of an article, coffee breaks, meals) – PLN 600 (EUR 135);
    • For PhD students, rates are PLN 100 lower.
  • The amount mentioned, depending on the type of participation, should be paid by October 15, 2023, by transfer to the account: 60 1030 1016 0000 0000 0873 0005, Subaccount 700 1500 50 006. In the title, please provide: Dylematy V + surname and name of the Participant,
  • The deadline for accepting applications is October 10, 2023,
  • If you are interested in participating in a scientific conference, please fill out the application form at https://wlo.wat.edu.pl/konferencja/
  • The deadline for accepting texts for publication is December 31, 2023.
  • The text will be published only if it receives a positive review