of Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management by 2030

I. Strategy objectives

The strategy was prepared in accordance with the classic strategic management model, i.e. the mission and vision as well as the main strategic goals have been outlined.

The essence of the Strategy is to indicate the desired lines of development of the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management, hereinafter referred to as the Faculty, as a creative scientific, teaching, research and development centre and providing specialist services in line with the current needs of the market and the socio-economic environment. The content of the strategy takes into account the needs of the Ministry of National Defence and the Polish Armed Forces, as the main recipients of academic activities conducted within the Faculty. Equally important are active market entities, in particular in the arms, transport and information sectors. The faculty provides education in security sciences as a leading discipline due to its eligibility to award doctoral and associate professor degrees; logistics is particularly significant due to the continuation of the tradition of the Faculty of Logistics of the Military University of Technology, with a focus on meeting the needs in the field of military logistics of the Ministry of National Defence and management and quality sciences as a discipline allowing for the optimization and improvement of the resource management process in the entire Armed Forces.

The Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management has been making constant efforts to continue the teaching and research and development activities of all the most important centres conducting academic activity in security sciences and educating logistics staff of the Polish Armed Forces for years. Therefore, the Faculty continues the mission of the previous WAT organizational units, whose activities focused on logistics as a field of education that has been functioning at WAT for over 40 years.

II. Mission of the Faculty

The mission of the Faculty is implemented in the following areas of activity:

    1. Academic advancement of staff – conducted through systematic enhancement of academic employees’ own competences and dissemination of the scientific thought they create and improve in Poland and around the world – both through publishing in recognized journals and publishing houses, as well as through the development of their own publishing house and scientific journals, making efforts to increase their value and recognition not only in the Polish but also in the international academic community.
    2. Education – conducted on the basis of educational programs modified according to the needs of the present as part of the fields of study in security sciences, management and quality sciences, and logistics.
    3. Research and development – by initiating and developing research, the results of which may prove useful for further civilization development, thus contributing to building potential of Poland as a strong active member of the community of nations in Europe and the world, including research on the concepts and applications of future technologies, developing and improving a forecasting methodology that allows for accurate diagnosis and identification of threats to national and international security in relation to alliances and intergovernmental organizations that are essential for Poland.
    4. Specialized services – providing and creating services necessary for the proper functioning and further development of society, economy and the culturally conditioned organizational and management system.

As a result, the systematically improved qualifications and achievements of the scientific staff as well as the knowledge and experience gained by graduates during their studies should promote the Faculty as a special centre of creative scientific thought, inspiring research and unconventional teaching both in the national and international socio-economic environment.

III. Vision of the Faculty

The vision of the Faculty includes the main directions of academic, teaching, research and development and scientific activity to be undertaken in the near and distant future in relation to the four areas of activity implemented as part of the adopted mission of the Faculty.

Within each area, it has been assumed that the authorities and the entire Faculty community strives to:

    1. Academic advancement of staff – systematic enhancement of the publication rate of research workers in journals with high recognition in the national and international academic community, defined, among other things, by assigned points as part of a cyclical review of scientific journals and publications around the world conducted by the ministry representing the government administration department of science and higher education. An additional criterion determining the value of the publication is the possibility of very wide distribution of the ideas contained therein, thus promoting both the profile of the author(s) and the brand of the Faculty as an important centre for creating original and original scientific ideas that are part of the global achievements.
    2. Education – modifying existing and opening new fields of study that meet the challenges of the modern labour market in accordance with the economic and socio-cultural needs of Poland, Europe and the entire world. Graduates of those fields should have the opportunity to find themselves on the national and international labour market thanks to valuable education, experience and familiarity with the realities of the modern and highly dynamic global socio-economic environment.
    3. Research and development – acquiring internal and external funds for the presented analyses, research and development, implementation and forecasting ideas serving the civilizational development of the Polish nation as a strong and equal member of the communities of European nations. Striving to support those ideas and projects that can have the greatest impact on the development of civilization represented by the development of social thought, perception of internal and external reality in such a way as to be able to creatively transform that reality to the benefit of Poland and the entire international community.
    4. Specialized services – promoting the value of certification of management systems in the area of ​​quality, environmental protection, information security, occupational health and safety, food safety, business continuity, energy management and product certification on a voluntary and legally regulated basis. Supporting the defence industry by assessing the level of compliance with the requirements specified in the Allied Quality Assurance Publications AQAP by suppliers of products and services, which is the basis for the implementation of contracts for the needs of the armed forces. Certification of the internal control system is a key element within foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for state security, as well as for maintaining international peace and security. Striving to expand and deepen cooperation with entities involved in ministerial quality assessment, but also with institutional stakeholders interested in certification activities, i.e. Ministry of Climate, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Customs Chambers, etc.

IV. Goals of the Faculty

The main strategic goals outlined by the Mission and Vision of the Faculty in the four above-mentioned areas include:

    1. Academic advancement of staff – publishing in journals and magazines included in the list of scientific journals and publications of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education; developing the Faculty’s own scientific journals to ensure their strong position in recognized international databases, maintaining the eligibility to award scientific degrees in the discipline of security sciences: doctor of philosophy and associate professor, as well as making efforts to obtain identical eligibility in management and quality sciences.
    2. Education – constructive development of fields of study such as national security, defence, management and logistics in accordance with the needs of the socio-economic environment; introduction of new fields of study to ensure the recruitment of both domestic and foreign students and the recognition of the Faculty as a strong brand on the market of teaching and academic services by creating fields in the discipline of security sciences dedicated to strategic studies, focused on globally popular issues related to the security of regions of the world significant for world peace, such as the Euro-Atlantic area, Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe, East and Southeast Asia. The introduction of those fields of study is justified by current and forecasted market needs. In addition, types of education such as courses and trainings will be developed in accordance with the needs and expectations of the Ministry of National Defence and the Polish arms sector in areas directly related to logistics, management and national and international security.
    3. Research and development – making efforts to establish cooperation with prominent economic entities representing the Polish arms, space, transport, industrial and information sectors in the scope of initiating new research projects dedicated to cooperation between the Ministry of National Defence and entities active in the above-mentioned sectors. As a result of the established cooperation, in which it would be advisable to also involve representatives of other WAT faculties and academic centres, stronger efforts can be made to obtain funds to jointly start research and conduct studies, development and implementation activities. In the future, further development of the forecasting methodology developed and improved in the Faculty is expected, with a focus on providing forecasting services to public administration entities of the Republic of Poland and, with the consent of the Ministry of National Defence, to external entities.
    4. Specialized services – Centre for Quality Certification

As part of the broadening of the certification offer, it is planned to obtain accreditation in the field of business continuity management (ISO 22301), energy management (ISO 50001), anti-corruption system (ISO 37001), social responsibility (ISO 26000), and personal data protection in the cloud ISO/IEC 27018 , security of cloud computing services (ISO 27017), ISO privacy information management 27701, IT service management (ISO/IEC 20000), supply chain security (ISO 28000). The activity in the above-mentioned areas requires dynamic and effective implementation of a marketing strategy in order to acquire customers interested in certification, develop certification programs, undergo assessment by the Polish Centre for Accreditation and train auditors who meet the criteria and have the expected knowledge and experience.

The development perspective in the area of ​​product certification includes intensification of cooperation with organizational units of the Military University of Technology in the field of pyrotechnic products, assessment of explosives detectors and X-ray devices for baggage inspection – programs dedicated to suppliers of equipment for the needs of uniformed services. Due to the growing interest of customers from the plastics and rubber processing industry, evaluation of plastic granulates is conducted on a voluntary basis by Centre for Quality Certification.

The certification of Polish and foreign qualified providers of electronic identification and trust services based on the requirements of the eIDAS regulation delegated to the European Commission 2019/945 has enormous potential. Those services are intended for citizens, entrepreneurs and public administration alike, and their basic benefit is the elimination of “paper” processes, accelerating their implementation, as well as increasing transparency for all market participants.

In response to the market demand, it is planned to expand the scope of certification and acquire new customers in the area of:

  • unmanned aircraft,
  • factory production control of welded structures, which has been mandatory for enterprises producing steel and aluminum structures since 2010,
  • classification and authorisation to the transport of dangerous goods in accordance with the agreement for the transport of dangerous goods ADR class 1 (explosives and articles with explosives),
  • technical security systems,
  • issuing opinions regarding the fulfillment of technical and organizational conditions during the production and trade of explosives, weapons, ammunition and products and technology for military or police purposes,
  • conducting training in order to confirm professional preparation to conduct or manage business activities in the field of production and trade in explosives, weapons, ammunition and products for military or police purposes, as well as trade of technology for that purpose.