The Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management was established on 1st July 2019 as a result of the transformation of the existing Faculty of Logistics into a much more extensive academic unit responsible for conducting teaching and research for the entire university in the field of social sciences, especially in the disciplines of: security studies, management and quality studies, including both military and civilian logistics. The history of the Faculty of Logistics dates back to 15th December 1974 when the Institute of Military Technical Support Systems was established, the direct successor of which is the Institute of Logistics which functions dynamically within the structure of the Faculty as of today. In addition to the above-mentioned institution, the teaching and research potential of the Faculty is developed by the Institute of Security and Defence, the Institute of Organization and Management and the Centre for Quality Certification. These are the four pillars on which the daily functioning of the Faculty, as well as future directions of development, are based. The first Dean of the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management was Col., Prof. Szymon MITKOW, Ph.D., Eng., who had been the Dean of the Faculty of Logistics since 14th February 2017. On 1st September 2024, the position of Dean was taken over by Col., Assoc. Prof. Bartosz KOZICKI, Ph.D. Considering the above, it is worth presenting the history of the Faculty, starting with the Institute of Logistics.
Institute of Logistics
The Institute provided postgraduate and course education for the management technical staff of the Polish Armed Forces and, at the same time, the methodology for testing technical security systems was developed. Due to the specific scope of its activities, the Institute constituted the expert base of the Ministry of National Defence which was entrusted with solving numerous problems related to the management of technical services at tactical levels. In 1993, due to the restructuring of the military potential conducted on a scale of the entire Armed Forces, changes also affected the Military University of Technology. A comprehensive reconstruction of the teaching curricula took place, which included changing the existing block of tactical and technical subjects into tactical and logistics subjects. That reform also required structural and infrastructural changes, which resulted in the renaming of the Institute of Military Technical Support Systems to the Institute of Logistics. New directions of scientific and research activities were set and the existing forms of education were expanded as courses and postgraduate studies. In the same year, the Institute of Logistics of the Military University of Technology, in cooperation with the Office of the Military Standardization Service, began the implementation of postgraduate studies and specialist courses in the field of standardization, quality assurance systems and codification, which resulted in a significant expansion of the existing scope of activity. Between 1975-2002, the Institute conducted a total of 140 postgraduate studies and courses, with over 2200 students participating. Ten years after the Institute was established, on 1 January 2003, the name of the Institute of Logistics was changed to the Institute of Automation of Command and Logistics Systems, incorporating it into the structure of the newly established Faculty of Military Technology. A year later, as a result of further organizational changes, the name was changed again to the Institute of Logistics of Command and Support Systems. In 2006, another change took place, as a result of which the Institute was assigned to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the name and rank were changed to the Department of Logistics. The staff dynamically developed their scientific achievements, constantly improved their qualifications and meticulously built the potential of the newly established Department, which resulted in the restoration of the former rank and name of the Institute of Logistics on 1 September 2012. Assoc. Prof. Marian Brzeziński, Ph.D., Eng., became its director, while on September 1, 2014, the Institute of Logistics was subordinated to the newly established Faculty of Logistics, whose first dean was Maj. Gen., Assoc. Prof. Eng Julian Maj, Ph.D., who held this position until February 13, 2017. The role of the Institute changed significantly for the better, as within the premises of the new Faculty it was the Institute of Logistics that played the leading role, providing the Faculty with significant staff potential and achievements. From September 1, 2016 to February 14, 2017, the position of director of the Institute of Logistics was held by Col., Prof. Szymon MITKOW, Ph.D., Eng. who served as Dean of the Faculty of Logistics, from February 14, 2017 to August 31, 2024, subsequently renamed the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management, when the faculty was strengthened by accumulating human resources ensuring teaching and scientific development in the field of social sciences, mainly in the disciplines of security sciences and management sciences. As of October 1, 2022, Marek Kalwasiński, Ph.D., Eng. has been the Director of the Institute of Logistics. The Institute of Logistics is responsible for first-cycle studies – engineering, second-cycle studies – master’s for both civilian and military students and postgraduate studies – logistics management in an enterprise, logistics support (studies conducted for the needs of the Ministry of National Defence), management in the military equipment acquisition system (studies conducted for the needs of the Ministry of National Defence) and public procurement in logistics. In 2019, master’s studies were launched aimed at educating cadets in military logistics. Since then, the Institute, apart from conducting various tasks commissioned by the Ministry of National Defence, specialist courses and training in accordance with the needs of the Armed Forces, has also become the institutional background for future officer personnel specializing in logistics.
Centre for Quality Certification
In 2014, the Centre for Quality Certification was included in the structure of the Faculty of Logistics, and after changing its name to the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management, the Centre became one of its pillars. On May 10, 2018, Joanna Jasińska Ph.D., Eng. became the Director the centre which obtained accreditation from the Polish Centre for Accreditation in the field of certification of management systems for compliance with the requirements PN-EN ISO 9001 (QMS), PN-EN ISO 14001 (EMS), PN-ISO 45001 (HSMS), PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS), PN-EN ISO 22000 (FSMS). The Centre conducts audits of the entrepreneur issuing DPR, DPO, EDPR, EDPO documents, the electrical and electronic equipment recovery organization, waste processing facility, and EMAS verification. It is also an accredited and notified certification body for pyrotechnic products and, as a unit of the Ministry of National Defence, it certifies management systems for compliance with the requirements of the Allied Quality Assurance Publication (AQAP): AQAP 2110, AQAP 2210, AQAP 2310, AQAP 2105. In addition, it certifies in areas related to, among others: internal control system, energy management system ISO 50001 (EnMS), business continuity management system ISO 22301 (BCMS), anti-corruption management system PN-ISO 37001 (ABMS). It is responsible for organizing industry conferences and symposia, the aim of which is to improve activities in the above-mentioned management areas, exchange experiences, integrate the environment, develop cooperation.
Institute of Security and Defence
On April 2, 2015, by decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Faculty of Logistics obtained the right to conduct full-time and part-time studies at the first-cycle level in the field of “state defence” with a practical profile. Therefore, the need arose to create an entity responsible for conducting a new field of study, and the task that was entrusted to the Department of Security and Defence Systems established for this purpose, the founder and first head of which was Prof. Zenon Trejnis, Ph.D.
A year later, appreciating the involvement of the personnel of the Department in its functioning and taking into account the prospects of developing a new field of study, a decision was made to transform the Department into the Institute of Security and Defence Systems, entrusting the management of this new entity to Prof. Zenon Trejnis, Ph.D. in recognition of the work conducted then.
On July 1, 2019, the Director of the Institute was the acting Deputy Director for Research, Lt., Assoc. Prof. Marcin Górnikiewicz., Ph.D. On November 7, 2019, the Institute spread by expanding its research activities in the field of “social sciences”, in the discipline of “security sciences” by changing its name to the Institute of Security and Defence. At that time, the Institute employed 51 teachers, including: 11 professors, 8 associate professors, 30 doctors of philosophy and 2 masters. The Institute is currently responsible for first- and second-cycle studies in the fields of “national security” and “state defence”. It also offers postgraduate studies “Audit and Internal Control in Hierarchical Organizations and Public Administration” and “Information Protection Inspector”. On March 1, 2021, Patrycja Bryczek-Wróbel, Ph.D., who had been acting as Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, took over the position of Director of the Institute.
Institute of Organization and Management
On July 1, 2019, the Institute of Organization and Management, as a result of conducting teaching and research activities in the field of social sciences, was incorporated into the structure of the newly established Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management responsible for this area. The origins of the Institute of Organization and Management date back to the Department of Social and Political Sciences and the Department of Political Economy and War Economics (established in 1967), then the institutes of Social and Political Sciences (1988), Social Sciences (1989) and the Institute of Humanities (1990). It was one of the basic organizational units of the Military University of Technology of a general academic nature, because the scope of teaching activities included all fields of study and forms of education at the Military University of Technology. The heads of the institute were: Col., Assoc. Prof. Waldemar Bańka, Ph.D. (1988-1991), Prof. Jerzy Skowronek, Ph.D. (1991-1993), Prof. Franciszek Gołembski, Ph.D. (1993-1997), Assoc. Prof. Kazimierz Łastawski, Ph.D. (1997-1998), Col., Assoc. Prof. Roman Tomaszewski, Ph.D. (1999-2002) and Lt. Col., Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Włodarkiewicz, Ph.D. (2002).
The organizational structure and organizational location of the Institute of Organization and Management at the Military University of Technology have changed several times. On January 1, 2003, the Institute of Humanities was transformed into the Institute of Organization and Management and incorporated into the Faculty of Cybernetics. The first director of the institute was Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Włodarkiewicz, Ph.D. and the following: Assoc. Prof. Janusz Świniarski, Ph.D. (October 15, 2003-August 31, 2005), Assoc. Prof. Włodzimierz Miszalski, Ph.D., Eng. (September 1, 2005-August 31, 2016) and Prof. Piotr Zagórski, Ph.D., Eng. (September 1, 2016-September 30, 2019). Since October 1, 2019, the director of the institute has been Prof. Wojciech Włodarkiewicz, Ph.D.
In 1998, the Institute of Humanities, together with the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Military University of Technology, started educating civilian students on part-time first-cycle studies in the field of management and marketing (management since 2006) and from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2019, national security (1st and 2nd cycle full-time and part-time studies). In 1995, the Institute’s teaching offer has also included: part-time postgraduate studies in Organization and Management, in 1999 postgraduate studies in International Security, Leadership and Social Communication and Pedagogy, intended for WAT academic teachers.
Currently, the Institute, as part of the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management of the Military University of Technology, is responsible for first- and second-cycle studies in management and for classes in social, humanities and economic subjects for civilian students and cadets of all fields of study throughout the university. Academic teachers at the Institute also conducted postgraduate studies in the 2020/2021 academic year at the request of the Ministry of National Defence – Human Resources Management. In the 2020/2021 academic year, the Institute launched long-cycle master’s studies for the needs of the Ministry of National Defence in the field of economic logistics. In addition to teaching activities, employees of the Institute conduct scientific research mainly in the field of social sciences and humanities, systematically achieving subsequent levels of academic advancement. Currently, the Institute includes 45 academic teachers (3 professors, 9 associate professors, 29 doctors of philosophy and 4 master’s degree holders) and 3 administrative workers.