
31.10.2023 Deadline to send conference application form
Deadline to send abstracts prepared for publication  (to the following address: ziz@wat.edu.pl)

Deadline to pay conference fee

15.11.2023 Deadline to send full conference papers (it is possible to send the paper after the conference but author(s) may consider it will be published in the later period of time)
23-24.11.2023 Conference

Conference venue:

Due to  tender procedures taking place, the conference venue will be announced as soon as it will be possible

Conference cost:

Conference cost (participation in discussion, conference materials, publication, accomodation, food, and associated events) will be 1125 PLN.

Please pay registration fee to 31.10.2023 to the following account:

60 1030 1016 0000 0000 0873 0005
Subaccount: 700-1500-50-008
With note „NKMZ 2023, Name and Surname of the participant, subaccount: 700-1500-50-008”