Chairman of the Scientific Council:

Wojciech WŁODARKIEWICZ, Prof. (Military University of Technology)

Honorary Chairmen of the Scientific Council:

Piotr ZASKÓRSKI, Prof. Eng. (Military University of Technology)
, Prof. Eng. (Częstochowa University of Technology; TNOiK)
Bogdan NOGALSKI, Prof. (WSB University in Gdansk)
Elżbieta MĄCZYŃSKA, Prof. (Warsaw School of Economics)

Members of Scientific Council:

David AMBORSKI, Prof. (Ryerson University, Canada)
Brian BUCKLES, Prof. (National Defence University, USA)
Ewa BOJAR, Prof. (Lublin University of Technology, TNOiK)
Tadeusz BORYS, Prof. (University of Zielona Góra)
Mohamed BRANINE, Prof. (University of Abertay Dundee, GB)
Stanisław BRZEZIŃSKI, Prof. (Czestochowa University of Technology, TNOiK)
Zbigniew CIEKANOWSKI, Prof. (The State Higher School in Biala Podlaska)
Wojciech CZAKON, Prof. (Jagiellonian University in Cracow)
Szymon CYFERT, Prof. (Poznan University of Economics and Business)
Beata DOMAŃSKA-SZARUGA, Prof. (Military University of Technology)
Zbigniew DWORZECKI, Prof. (Warsaw Management University)
Matti ESTOLA, Prof. (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Aldona FRĄCZKIEWICZ – WRONKA, Prof. (University of Economics in Katowice)
Anda GHEORGHIU, Prof. (National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Romania)
Wiesław GONCIARSKI, Prof. (Military University of Technology)
Marian GORYNIA, Prof. (University of Economics in Poznań; Chairman of the Polish Economic Society).
Tomasz JAŁOWIEC, Prof. (Academy of War Art, Warsaw)
Dorota JELONEK, Prof. Eng. (Czestochowa University of Technology; TNOiK)
Waldemar JĘDRZEJCZYK, Prof. Eng. (Czestochowa University of Technology; TNOiK)
Agnieszka KNAP-STEFANIUK, Ph.D. (Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow)
Col. Yurii KORNIICHUK, Ph.D. (Zhytomyr Military Institute, Ukraine)
Andrzej Józef KOZŁOWSKI, Prof. (Vocational State School in Ciechanów)
Robert KUCĘBA, Prof. Eng. (Czestochowa University of Technology; TNOiK)
Katarzyna KRECZMAŃSKA-GIGOL, Prof. (Warsaw School of Economics)
Kazimierz KRZAKIEWICZ, Prof. (Poznań University of Economics and Business)
Denis Walentynowicz LISOWIENKO, EngD. (Odessa Military Academy, Ukraine)
Ilido Tomas LOPES. Prof. (Business School – Lisbon University of Technology)
Włodzimierz MISZALSKI, Prof. Eng. (Military University of Technology)
Marta MISZCZAK, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)
Col. Szymon MITKOW, Prof. (Military University of Technology)
Przemysław NIEWIADOMSKI, Prof. Eng. (University of Zielona Góra)
Urszula ORNAROWICZ, Prof. (Warsaw School of Economics)
Adam OSTANEK, Prof. (Military University of Technology)
Joanna PALISZKIEWICZ, Prof.  (Warsaw University of Life Sciences)
Florina PINZARU, Prof. (National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Romania)
Kazimierz PIOTRKOWSKI, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology; TNOiK)
Konrad RACZKOWSKI, Prof. (University of Social Sciences in Warsaw)
Krzysztof SANTAREK, Prof. Eng. (Warsaw University of Technology)
Przemysław SIMIŃSKI, Prof. Eng. (Military Institute of Armored and Car Technology)
Agnieszka SZCZUDLIŃSKA-KANOŚ, Ph.D.  (Jagiellonian University in Cracow)
Elżbieta SKRZYPEK, Prof. (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin)
Celina SOŁEK-BOROWSKA, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)
Maciej STAJNIAK, Prof. (Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Logistics and Warehousing in Poznan)
Sylwia STARNAWSKA, Prof. (D’Youville College, USA)
Katarzyna SZCZEPAŃSKA, Prof.  (Warsaw University of Technology)
Monika SZCZERBAK (Military University of Technology)
Agnieszka Anna SZPITTER, Prof. (University of Gdansk)
Jolanta TARAPATA, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)
Zbigniew TARAPATA, Prof. (Military University of Technology)
Dusko URSIC, Prof. (Maribor University, Slovenia)
Wioletta WEREDA, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)
Krzystzof WITKOWSKI, Prof. Eng. (University of Zielona Gora)
Jacek WOŹNIAK, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)
Wiesława ZAŁOGA, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)
Maciej ZASTEMPOWSKI, Prof. (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun)
Daiva ZOSTAUTIENE, Prof. (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Jan ZUKOVSKIS, Prof. (Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuania)
Col. Jarosław ZELKOWSKI, Ph.D. (Military University of Technology)